Arturo Orlandi


Metallocromie artworks

What the gods have not yet seen – Arturo Orlandi

The technique

The drawing

Orlandi starts his work by drawing a landscape or image in its entirety on a slab with a black marker with skill and precision.

The "painting"

With a welding electrode inserted into an incandescent tube, the already sketched drawing is repainted in relief.

The merger

Through a process reminiscent of “pointillism,” he reconstructs images in several layers with metals melted at thousands of degrees, elaborating a refined coloristic mixture.

The materials

The metallocromie is the result of a series of measurements, on steel base, with the introduction of silver alloy, nickel brass, silicon brass, copper and various bronzes, which are carried out through systems and techniques of pure welding, heating the various elements with temperatures that go beyond 2000 degrees C, until obtaining a molecular ligament between the base metal and the filler metal, to reach a wide chromatic range and the desired thicknesses.


The artist

Arturo Orlandi was born in Cremona and he is a sculptor, painter and engraver at the same time. These three techniques are effectively “merged” by him, creating a unique art as well as his technique.

After his teenage studies at technical schools in the province of Cremona and his apprenticeship as a watchmaker in Milan, Arturo Orlandi developed techniques and mastery in the field of metallurgy.

And it was during this period that he installed his artistic laboratory in Bologna: a genuine forge where slabs of stainless steel became real bas-reliefs from which figures and scenes from an evocative personal imaginary appeared.

Nowadays the artist works and lives in Sardinia, where he has set up his own artistic laboratory and continues his skillful work of “metal shaping”.


Precious works and objects of furniture

They talk about him


  • “Metallocromia” – Societè Monegasque de Banque Privée (Exhibition from 23 September 2004 to 20 April 2005)
  • “Metallocromia, what the gods have not yet seen’ – Terni special steels (Exhibition from 26 November to 8 December 1997)
  • Pianeta inossidabili (Stainless planet): “Orlandi the artist with a regular patent.” Year 1996

Critical Texts

  • Enzo Fabiani “Orlandi the artist with a regular patent”
  • Attilio Angelini (Chief Executive Officer of Terni Special Steels)
  • Anna Belledi: “What the gods have not yet seen”.
  • Mauro Vacchi (Chief Executive Officer of FRO Welding) “Metallochromie of Arturo Orlandi”.

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